Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day #7

Drum roll please... I made it one week! Today had to be the hardest to squeeze a project in. I had to work from 9-5 and it was crazy busy. Then we had to drive up about 2 1/2 - 3 hrs with a time difference, for a birthday party tomorrow. We went out with Christopher's parents for dinner too. On top of all that this one was a little more in depth.

Day #7: Making a stencil is sorta fun. A little hard to use with limited supplies, since we are out of town this weekend. Last night I dreamt about this project. At least thats what I took from it. In my dream, which was on the scary side, there were aliens looking for something in humans chests. They would come up and you would get these cut outs in your chest. The shape was sorta like the AT&T symbol. Feeling like it was going to happen for real was the scary part, but there wasn't any blood, so i guess it could have been worse. Here is what I dreamt up, just not the scary parts.

This is the stencil, made out of poster board.

The finished product.

P.s darn it on being 11min late for the technical date.

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