Day #6: Looking in the kitchen for todays project was semi difficult, as I needed to work with the first fruit or vegetable I came upon. Could have been juiced, jammed, or canned, as well as its natural form. I settled on a can of pumpkin from a pumpkin cake kit we bought after the holidays. Since a can of orange mush is not the most appealing, it's delicious dessert form definitely is. Pumpkin Pie! That has to be one of my top favorite foods. I could seriously eat it everyday. My grandmas was all ways better than an pumpkin pie I've ever had. A close second would be my moms. Anyways, I can obviously talk all day about this pie. This is my todays take on the pumpkin pie.

I glued font print onto a 5x7ish wood plaque that I picked up at a craft store. Then I painted the orange with an orange shimmer nail polish I had lying around from yesterday and mimicked them with black pen outline triangle drawings.
After this was complete and then took this picture, I realized that the 3 triangles on the bottom look like part of a pumpkin face!
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