Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day #31

Wow I can't believe it's already been a whole month of making something creative! 31 down 334 to go!

Day #31 Is making a path or a map. I made a fairly exaggerated map of my walk to work. This map makes it look a lot more crazy than it really is. My walk is actually simple it just takes forever to get there.

Day #30

Day #30 I had to work with toys. Recently I bought on of this kits that you can color or paint or decorate a plain white figure. This one was a christmas one so it had a guy with a hat and a guy with a present as a head. I picked the one with the gift head. Instead of making it a present I made it a package as in a cardboard box and a the body part I made a mail carrier. It came out really cool.

Day #29

Day #29 is making something disguised. This one I slacked on and did something super easy. It's kinda cheesy, but is it a cyclops disguised as a dog or a dog disguised as a cyclops? I'm going to go with the cyclops in a dog disguise, because why would a dog have to hide?

Day #28

Day #28 is using a traditional school supply and making something non-traditional. Using paper glued to a solid surface is one of my favorite things to use, of course I used plain old, blue lined, notebook paper. I glued it to a oval wooden plaque. Then, around the edges I glued my new obsession, sequins and rhinestones. I've all ways like those little sparkly gem, but recently I can not stop buying them! And I glued everything with regular elmer's school glue. Can't mess up the classics.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day #27

Day #27 inspiration is a recent dream. I just started watching the show Face Off. Its about a sfx makeup artists competition. The first episode was recreating the Wizard of OZ lion, scarecrow, tin man, and wicked witch.
Last night I had a scary dream that i was being haunted by the creepy witch that one of the teams created. It was a scary, withered, old witch. My picture doesn't not do justice to what I dreamed, it was way scarier...

Day #26

Day #26 is making something portable or seem portable. Since almost everything is portable these days I figured drawing something would be best. This is a picture of a guy with a portable computer, television, phone, and stereo. My favorite part are the cords trailing behind.

Day #25

Day #25 is working with nature. For the next three days I chose to make a drawing. Todays I had to work with objects from outside. Like from your backyard or a park. I don't have much of a backyard being in an apartment, but there is a big pond right behind us.
When I was walking the dogs today I thought I heard someone talking on the backside of the building. When I got back there I saw that it was a goose that wasn't very happy. He was stuck in the pond, in a spot that was melted. The pond has been mostly frozen for the last week or so. I felt bad for the poor thing when it tried jumping out but the use kept melting. Thankfully it made its way out by its self.
Picture of the goose.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day #24

Day #24 is using clay, bought or made. I made the clay, as the books instructions call it, bakers clay. Oh my goodness did it make a lot! I knew it would make too much when it asked for 4 cups of flour.
With the clay I cut out hearts with a cookie cutter and baked them in the oven. The "cookies" did not harden completely like they were supposed to. So, in the morning I'll check on them to see if they have hardened by themselves and then I can decorate them. With valentines day coming, they'll make cute decorations.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day #23

Day #23 is for not wasting materials. The recyclable materials if found to use is an old box from when you buy jewelry. Also, some old rhinestones from the craft store and some from old costume jewelry. I attached the gems to the top of the box. Now it can be reused as a little gift box. So pretty!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day #22

Day #22 has me seeing green. No, not envy or money, just the color green. All green. I found an envelope, ribbon, and sequins that are all green. Too bad I don't have any tape or glue that is green.
Cutting one side of the envelope in strips, I wove through the green ribbon for a basket weave effect. Then on the parts of the envelope that writing on that I didn't want to be there, incase I want to use it, I glued on the green sequins.

Maybe I should send a letter to the Emerald City...

I would so ask them to send me a pair of ruby slippers in return!

Day #21

Happy Birthday Christopher and baby Gavin who turned 1!

Day #21 Big or small connect two things in a creative way, as in a bridge. I don't need a bridge to get anywhere at the moment, so I went with a very temporary bridge. I thought it was pretty classic since I catch him in this pose nearly every day. They are always so nosy!

He gets in trouble for doing this, which made it hard to get a picture of him caught in the act. He does make a good bridge though.

Day #20

Day #20 was supposed to be using clay bought or made, but I don't have either, so I went on to the next days. Write a love story using 10 words. I feel like our life, me and chris, is a love story. And its the best one I know.

Day #19

Day #19 is making something that floats on water. There was a lot of tissue paper on hand from celebrating four birthdays this weekend so I figured that could float. I made a lily flower, because they float on the water. I cut the tissue paper into petal shapes and slid them up and around a bobby pin. I made flowers like this once with a martha stewart craft kit so it was easy to make this one. It came out really pretty.

Tada! It floats!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day #18

Day #18: Use something you find in yours or a friends car. In our car a found some junk mail and figured i could do something with that. So I took on of those valuepacks that are full of advertisements and coupons, and cut them up into little squares. IL then used a frame i had laying around the house and glued a bunch of the little squares in it. It made some pretty cool 3D art.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day #17

Day #17: Make some thing that goes over the eye. I was going to make a pirate patch at first then, I changed my mind and went with glasses. An old pair of 3D glasses to be exact. They are a little inspired by Lady Gaga but not as extreme as what she would wear. They're every day gaga, or at least movie theater gaga. I went with gold sequins and stars because they are indeed for the movies.

Even if its dark in there, why not make it glamourous?

Day #16

Day #16: Either use a dollar or be inspired by a dollar for this creation. I don't think anyone can destroy a dollar. Even if its just one it's still money. Inspiration was the route I took. This time I drew a picture in a sketch book. (It's getting hard to find a place to keep all these creations.) Again I used my favorite, permanent markers.

Voila! 1 dollar bill!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day #15

I had made a painting when we first moved in here and put in our bathroom. It wasn't really hanging on the wall so it fell down 2 times when I was cleaning the bathroom today. Then I decided that I would use todays project to make a new painting for the bathroom. I guess the one that was in there just didn't like there anymore. The bathroom could use something that was more of the look we want in our bathroom. Since everything is all new we went with grey and coral, and the accessories are all sand colored. In a sense ocean but, with out being obvious by using blue or teal..

Day #15: Cutting up something like a sponge or a potato, make a stamp. I just used a regular kitchen sponge and cut it up into 3 shapes. A circle, a wavy shape, and a little fish. I used some grey, green and coral paint.

I made the background with the circle sponge. The seaweed with the wavy sponge and of course the fish with the fish.

Day #14

Ugh, I didn't feel good yesterday to all I got done was the project. Obviously not the post. I'm only going to post a little bit to go with the days theme.

Day #14: Teeny tiny, itsy bitsy, microscopic. That is how small what I had to make must be. I don't even have a magnifying glass to help me. The smallest thing I found that I could work with is a toothpick.

Dosen't it make you smile? Oh, and its really hard to get a picture of something this small. I can not imagine making anything any smaller.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day #13

Happy Friday the 13th! Human robot. Robot human. Today theme was robot. I bought a necklace of a mini dancing robot. Christopher bought a daft punk cd = robot. Then I told Chris's cousins about this 365 project and how tea was today assignment. Since we were going to their house, we could use teabot.

Day #13: Using tea/tea bags as your working material. Obviously robots was an unsaid theme, teapot is the answer. He is quiet photogenic.

What is that in my tea?!

Oh, it's just teabot!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day #12

Camouflage is today assignment. For this one I was inspired by my chihuahuas. They are both off white and so is my carpet. So they are blended with out trying. The project for today is to change or create some thing so that it disappears into its background. This is a picture of pixie and then my drawing.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day #11

Day #11: Before you eat your breakfast, make something with it. Since there is not much time in the morning to make breakfast, play with it, then possibly have to make something new. I thought I would use/make something that could do both at the same time. Eggs are yummy on the inside and have an outside that is very workable.

Don't eggs have feelings too?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day #10

Yay, finally finished the book project from two days ago! Just wish it didn't take so long because now im late on posting. I'm just happy to get past that one.

Day #10: Using an old book create something, by drawing, cutting, glueing, etc. It is hard to find a book that I did not want any more. Obviously I bought them because I wanted them. I ended up pick one that didn't cost much any ways, and had a hard cover. Going through the book I tore out almost ever page except for the numbered chapter pages and their opposites. They each have some sort of saying and the opposites have patterns on them. The pages that were torn out were made into new things either by cutting, tearing, folding, or glueing. They then were attached to each chapter section. There are a total of 9. Also, I redid the cover and added some ribbon so that it can be tied shut.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day #9

Getting my daily projects done is not really a problem. Time management, that definitely is. There never seems to be quite enough hours to a day. So I skipped the book project, again, and went with one that I could manage.

Day #9: "Work on the other hand" it says. Using something that I'm used and then use my opposite hand. Since I am a righty I used only my left hand. I used my favorite kind of paper to work with, a page from an old magazine. To draw I used marker pen another one of my favorites to use. I drew vines and flowers, something that I draw often and I am surprised that it took 9 days before I did.

Ironically I chose to draw on the left page of the magazine. I did not notice till I took the pictures. Crazy the things you notice at different perspective.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day #8

Day #8: This one was supposed to be using an old book. But I didn't read ahead what it was going to be and don't really have the right supplies or enough time to finish, to what I feel would be, completely. So I skipped to one that was next. One that I could achieve this evening. Being gone for about a day and a half has thrown off my planning ahead. From now on I'll be better prepared. Day #8 replacement was using only water as inspiration/material use. Water/liquid is all I used other than clear containers and some light. I both recorded and photographed what I came up with.

Day #7

Drum roll please... I made it one week! Today had to be the hardest to squeeze a project in. I had to work from 9-5 and it was crazy busy. Then we had to drive up about 2 1/2 - 3 hrs with a time difference, for a birthday party tomorrow. We went out with Christopher's parents for dinner too. On top of all that this one was a little more in depth.

Day #7: Making a stencil is sorta fun. A little hard to use with limited supplies, since we are out of town this weekend. Last night I dreamt about this project. At least thats what I took from it. In my dream, which was on the scary side, there were aliens looking for something in humans chests. They would come up and you would get these cut outs in your chest. The shape was sorta like the AT&T symbol. Feeling like it was going to happen for real was the scary part, but there wasn't any blood, so i guess it could have been worse. Here is what I dreamt up, just not the scary parts.

This is the stencil, made out of poster board.

The finished product.

P.s darn it on being 11min late for the technical date.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day #6

Todays assignment has made me realize that we really need to go grocery shopping. For a minute I actually wondered if potato chips and onion dip count as vegetables. And no, I know that they don't. More than needing to go buy some food, I realize that we don't eat very healthy at all. I don't know if its just me but this book sure makes me think about a lot more than just being creative. Maybe its all the extra subconscious thinking that really inspires you. Now thats some good food for thought.

Day #6: Looking in the kitchen for todays project was semi difficult, as I needed to work with the first fruit or vegetable I came upon. Could have been juiced, jammed, or canned, as well as its natural form. I settled on a can of pumpkin from a pumpkin cake kit we bought after the holidays. Since a can of orange mush is not the most appealing, it's delicious dessert form definitely is. Pumpkin Pie! That has to be one of my top favorite foods. I could seriously eat it everyday. My grandmas was all ways better than an pumpkin pie I've ever had. A close second would be my moms. Anyways, I can obviously talk all day about this pie. This is my todays take on the pumpkin pie.

I glued font print onto a 5x7ish wood plaque that I picked up at a craft store. Then I painted the orange with an orange shimmer nail polish I had lying around from yesterday and mimicked them with black pen outline triangle drawings.

After this was complete and then took this picture, I realized that the 3 triangles on the bottom look like part of a pumpkin face!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day #5

I've collected many things over the years. Thanks impart mostly to my mom. Once you tell her you like something, she likes to buy anything that has to do with it. Monkeys, were my first collection. Then frogs, tinkerbell, and of course zebras. Since we moved into our apartment it was hard to not have my zebra stuff everywhere.

Day #5: I had to work with a collection I have in my home. The first thing I thought of was all the nail polish that I have. I'm pretty much obsessed with it. At one point I would change the color/design on my nails every week, and I buy it all the time. Glitter polish is definitely my favorite. I arranged them in the shape of a heart. There are a lot more bottles, but I didn't want to look for them. Heres what I got.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day #4

Day #4 says to take a walk and make something where you end up. Well, with this not so ordinary Indiana January weather I found this rather hard to do. There is no snow on the ground to possibly make something out of. All the plants have no leaves, the ground is frozen. Since I knew I was walking to work today, I figured I could do something then. It takes about 4min. to get there by driving so its right around a 30min. walk. Along the way I took some pictures of my surroundings. The height of the sun made some pretty cool images.

Oh, the wonderfully twisty walk ways...

There was a ball on the side of the path. It looks like its only the size of a golfball in this picture!

A fork in the path... to bad the way I must go leads to work.

The sky was blue and the sun super bright. Not your normal January weater.